På kollegiet fik jeg et lille bitte, mørkt og koldt værelse og et dele badeværelse. Det tog omkring to dage for at varme værelset op. Folk her fra siger at det ikke har været så koldt her i flere år.
(At college i got a tiny, dark and cold room and a sharing bathroom. It took about two days to heat the room up.
People here says that it hasn't been so cold here for years.)
På kollegiet fik jeg et lille bitte, mørkt og koldt værelse og et dele badeværelse. Det tog omkring to dage for at varme værelset op. Folk her fra siger at det ikke har været så koldt her i flere år.
(At college i got a tiny, dark and cold room and a sharing bathroom. It took about two days to heat the room up.
People here says that it hasn't been so cold here for years.)
Min nye adresse er:
(My new adress is:)
QLD 4350
QLD 4350
(Doing dinner i met Silvana (from switzerland) and Rebekka (from Germany))
McGregor College |
D. 11/7 gik vi over på det internationale kontor på campus og fik svar på en del ting. Kl. 10 var der orientering, så der var flere informationer. Jeg mødte nogle andre der også skulle læse noget education, bla. Katie som bor i Toowoomba.
(The 11th we went over to the international office on campus and got answers to a lot of things. At 10 am, there was orientation, so there was even more informations for us. I met others who's also studying education, a.o. Katie who lives in Toowoomba.)
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Kort over campus |
Vi var en del internationale studerende der spiste aftensmad sammen. Tre fra USA (Kate+Leslie+Emily), en fra Finland (Linn), en fra Malaysia (Vicky), Rebekka og Silvana.
(We were some international students who ate dinner together that night. Three U.S. (Kate, Leslie and Emily(rip)), one from Finland (Linn), one from Malaysia (Vicky) Rebekka and Silvana.)
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Vicky, Silvana, mig, Kate, Emily (rip), Rebekka og Leslie |
Sygehuset - The hospital
Jeg sov næsten ikke natten til den 12/7 fordi min mave gjorde så ondt. Min puls var enorm høj, jeg havde kvalme og hedeture. Jeg stod alligevel op og tog på uni, men kl. et fulgte Katie og Mattis mig hjem.
Jeg snakkede med Mark i informationen på college om mine muligheder for at tage tidligere hjem, hvis jeg var syg. Han blev ret bekymret for mig, men sagde at det ikke var noget problem. Han kom ned på mit værelse lidt efter og sagde at han havde fundet en dansk sygeplejerske på campus og jeg kunne snakke med hende. Hun fandt ud af at jeg havde feber og sendte mig på hospitalet. Mark kørte både mig, Maibritt og Mattis på hospitalet. Og så gav han os nogle taxi vauches så vi kunne komme hjem derfra uden at skulle betale selv.
Da vi endelig kom ind fik jeg en rigtig dårlig læge. Han skulle ligge et drop, men kunne ikke ramme en vene, så han blev bare ved med at rode rundt i min arm. Han fandt ikke ud af hvad jeg fejlede, så han sendte mig hjem og sagde at de ville ringe om morgenen, så jeg kunne blive ultralydscannet. Katie kom med mc donalds mad og kørte os hjem. Jeg spiste ikke rigtig noget. Leslie havde klistret min dør til med post-its. Det var virkelig sjovt og sødt gjort.(I hardly slept the night between the 11th and 12th, because my stomach was so sore. My pulse was really high, i had nausea and hot flashes. I stood up anyway and went to uni, but at 1 o'clock Katie and Matt followed me home.
I talked to Mark at the college information. He was quite worried for me. Later he came down to my room and said that he had found a danish nurse on campus and i could talk to her.
She found out that i had a fever and sent me to the Hospital. When i finally got in, i got a really bad doctor. He should give me a IV. but he couldn't hit a vein, so he just kept messing around in my arm. In the end a nurse did it for him.
He didn't figure out what i failed, so he sent med home and said that they would call me in the morning so i could get a ultrasound scan. Katie came with Mc Donalds food and drove us home. I didn't really ate anything. Leslie had taped my door with post-its. It was really funny and sweet of her.)
(The hospital ranged the next day at 9 am, so Mark drove me back . Three different doctors tried to scan me. Around 5 pm i was hospitalized, so Matt and Mai had to go back to college to get me some things.)
Imens jeg var på hospitalet havde Katie lagt en dyne ind på mit værelse. Det var noget jeg virkelig havde savnet.
(The 14th i was suppose to get a cat scan so i was fasting, which wasn't a problem, despite the fact that i hadn't had anything decent to eat since monday evening.
A nurse came and put an injection in my stomach without saying anything. Katie got a explanation from the nurse when she came and saw me.
I found out that it cost $ 1276,5 every night i would be at the hospital and the extra for the scans. So i started to look if my OSHC insurance through campus covered it. The hospital said that they would cover, at least most of it. But i really wanted to go home after i found out about it. Around 5 pm a doctor told me that they hadn't found out what was wrong with me, but i didn't had to stay there. I ate my dinner, got my clothes on and the IV out of my arm and then we left the hospital.
While i had been at the hospital, Katie had put a doona in my room. I had really missed a doona!!)
(The 14th i was suppose to get a cat scan so i was fasting, which wasn't a problem, despite the fact that i hadn't had anything decent to eat since monday evening.
A nurse came and put an injection in my stomach without saying anything. Katie got a explanation from the nurse when she came and saw me.
I found out that it cost $ 1276,5 every night i would be at the hospital and the extra for the scans. So i started to look if my OSHC insurance through campus covered it. The hospital said that they would cover, at least most of it. But i really wanted to go home after i found out about it. Around 5 pm a doctor told me that they hadn't found out what was wrong with me, but i didn't had to stay there. I ate my dinner, got my clothes on and the IV out of my arm and then we left the hospital.
While i had been at the hospital, Katie had put a doona in my room. I had really missed a doona!!)
Kl. 19 skulle vi til noget bush-dancing med alle de andre internationele studerende. Silvana og jeg sad på sidelinjen. Det var meget underholdende.
(At 7 pm, we were at some Bush-Dance with all the other internationale students. Silvana and i sat on the sideline. It was very entertaining.)
Mig, Emily (rip), Leslie, Rebekka, Kate, Linn, Matt, Daniela, Georgie og Katie |
D. 15/7 brugte jeg dagen inde i Toowoomba sammen med alle de andre. Vi shoppede og om aftenen sad vi og hyggede i fællesrummet i J-blokken.
(The 15th of July i spent the day in Toowoomba with all the others. We shopped and in the evening we sat in the common room in J-block and talked.)
(The 15th of July i spent the day in Toowoomba with all the others. We shopped and in the evening we sat in the common room in J-block and talked.)
Kate, Linn, Daniela, Mattis, Silvana og Leslie |
D. 16/7 prøvede vi at vaske tøj. Tørretumbleren i J blok virkede ikke og man skulle slå på vaskemaskinen for at få den til at virke. Til gengæld virkede vaskemaskinen i I blok ikke og her skulle man så slå på tørretumbleren for at få den til at virke, så det tog noget tid at vaske tre vaske.
Ved femtiden kom Katie og hentede os og så kørte vi hjem til hendes mor, Pam og spiste aftensmad. Hendes mor var så sød og det var så hyggeligt!
Senere kørte Katies mor os over til Evas fest. (The 16th we tried to wash clothes. The dryer in J block didn't work and you had to hit the washing machine to get it to work. On the other hand the washing machine in I block didn't work and you had to hit the dryer to get that to work, so it took some time to wash three washes.
At 5 pm Katie came and picked us up, we went home to her mothers, Pam and we had dinner there. Her mom was so sweet and it was so nice!
Later Pam drove us over to Evas party.
Hos Katie |
Katie, mig, Linn & Emily (rip) |
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