Toowoomba (August 1st-September 9th)

Den 2. august var vi til noget cricket kamp mellem de tre colleges McGregor, Concannon og Steele Rudd. McGregor tabte til Steele Rudd, men vi vandt over Concannon.

(The 2. of August we went to some cricket match between the three colleges McGregor, Concannon and Steele Rudd. McGregor lost to Steele Rudd, but we won against Concannon.)

Steele Rudd (blå) and McGregor (rød)

Den 4. tog Katie, Mattis, Silvana og jeg til Picnic Point og spiste frokost. Det var rigtig lækkert. På vej hjem fik jeg lov at køre. Det er første gang jeg køre en bil med automatgear og kører i den anden side at vejen. Men det gik godt, jeg kørte ikke ind i noget :)

(The 4th Katie, Matt, Silvana and i went to Picnic Point to eat lunch. It was really nice. On our way home i drove the car. It's the first time i drive a car with automatic gear and that i drive in the other side of the road. But it went very well, i didn't hit anything :))

Udsigten til Table Top Mountain (The View)

Om aftenen var vi til xxxx Summer Party på USQ Club.

(In the evening we went to xxxx Summer Party at USQ Club.)

Brady, Ben, me, Eva & Georgie

Den 5. bestilte Silvana og jeg vores flybilletter til Cairns den 10. september.
(On the 5th Silvana and i booked our flighttickets for Cairns the 10th of September.)

Den 6. var vi hjemme hos Katies mor og spise aftensmad og spille spil.
(The 6th we went to Pam's for dinner, afterwards we played some games.)

Den 7. fik jeg et fulde-opkald fra Jacob, Toft, Ingeman og Emil. De havde siddet på Birkheden og drukket sig fulde og de besluttede sig for at ringe til mig.
(The 7th i got a drunk-phonecall from my brother, two friends and my boyfriend. They had been sitting and drinking at my parents house, and they decided to call me - crazy danish people)

Den 11/8 besøgte jeg min praktikskole - Fairview Heights State School i Toowoomba. Jeg skal i praktik der den 10.-21. oktober. Lærerne var rigtig søde der ude. Der er klasser fra deres børnehaveklasse til deres 7.. De havde lige fået en idrætshal, hvilket de var meget stolte af.
(The 11th i visited my prac school - Fairview Heights State School in Toowoomba. I'm going to do my prac there the 10th-21st of october. The teachers there was really nice. They have classes from preschool till grade 7. They just got a hall which they were very proud of.)

Klasseværelse for 6.-7. klasse (Classroom for grade 6-7)

Growing Together - Learning Forever

D. 15/8 var det Emils fødselsdag. Det var også den dag Emily blev fundet død på hendes badeværelse. Hun døde af blodforgiftning.
(The 15th was Emil's birthday. It was also the day Emily was found dead in her bathroom. She died of bloodpoisening)

D. 16. spiste vi alle sammen aftensmad hos Mark og satte blomster og stearinlys uden for Emilys værelse.
(The 16th We all had dinner at Marks and placed flowers and candles outside Emily's room.)

R.I.P Emily

Leslie, Bernie, Silvana, Cloe, Me, Linn, Katie, Mattis & David

Georgie, Matt, Mark & Daniela

D. 19. var Silvana og jeg til fest i "The Party House". Det var Josh Allens fødselsdag. Der var en der spiste en snegl og en anden der spiste en guldfisk. Damo gik og spiste fiskefoder. I det hele taget var folk meget fulde. Brady kom og hentede os om natten.
(The 19th Silvana and i were at a party at "The Party House". It was Josh Allen's birthday. There was a guy who ate a snail and another who ate a goldfish. Damo ate fishfood. People was very drunk. Brady came and picked us up at night.)

D. 20. havde vi memorial sammen med Emilys familie og senere grillede hos Mark.
(The 20th we had a memorial with Emily's familyand later that day we had a barbeque at Marks place.)

Georgie, Leslie, Linn & Silvana

D. 21. var vi ude og bowle med nogle fra F-blok.
(The 21st we went bowling with some guys from F-block)

Verne, Silvana, Georgie & Miles
Verne, Ben, Brady, Silvana & Georgie

Alex & Silvana

Brady & Miles


Alex, Brady & Ben


Alex & Ben

D. 22. var vi i biografen og se The Green Lantern med F-blok folkene.
(The 22nd Silvana and i went to the movie and watched The Green Lantern with the F-block guys.)

D. 24. var jeg til science dag på Fairview Heights (min praktikskole) Jeg blev hentet af inspektøren og kørt hjem igen af min professor.
(The 24th i was at "Science day" at Fairview Heights (my prac school). Jeg got picked up by the inspector in the morning and my professor drove me back home in the afternoon.)
En gruppe laver ost - a group is making cheese

En gruppe laver is - a group is making ice cream

Spisepause - lunch break

Om aftenen var der Doctor's & Nurses Party på USQ Club.
(In the evening we went to Doctor's & Nurses Party at USQ Club.)

Me, Silvana & Linn

D. 26. stod Silvana og jeg op kl. 5 for at tage til Table Top Mountain og se solopgangen sammen med Alex, Luke, Ben, Brady, Verne & Jack. Men da vi kom der ud var det så toget at vi ikke kunne se solopgangen, men det var en hård og god hiking tur.
(The 26th Silvana and i got up at 5 am to climb Table Top Mountain and watch the sunrise together with Alex, Luke, Ben, Brady, Verne & Jack. But when we got out there, there was so much fog, so that we couldn't see the sunrise, but it was still a nice and tough hiking trip.)

Verne, Ben & Brady


Ben, Brady, Alex, Verne & Jack

Ben, Brady & Silvana

D. 27. var der fest på college fordi McGregor havde 40 års jubilæum.
(The 27th there was a party at college because McGregor had a 40 year Anniversary.)

Jaide & Mark

Ben & Brady


Joyce, Damian & Silvana
Jaide, Luke & Silvana
Mere forret

Dobbie & Sarah


Alex, Ben & Brady

Mere hovedret

Senere tog vi ind til Johnnys fest i "The Party House".
(Later that night Silvana and i went to Johnny's party at "The Party House".)

D. 28. var Funday Sunday!!! Vi startede ud med champagne til morgenmaden kl. 8-10. Kl. 12 var hoppeborgen, jelly-poolen og velcro-borg-tingen sat op. Vi drak punch, hyggede og spillede cricket hele dagen.
(The 28th was Funday Sunday!!! We started with champagne at breakfast at 8-10 am. At 12 the jumping-castle, the jelly-pool and the velcro-jumping-thing was set up. We drank punch, had fun and played cricket all day.)

Dhan with his head in the punch

Damien & Jaide in the jelly-pool

Linn, David, Brandon, Luke, Tiffany, Leslie, Me & Rebekka

Verne, Adrian, Damian, Alex & Dhan

Silvana and I after we were in the jelly-pool - and Benny in the left side

Alex and Tom in the velcro suits and Ben

Silvana & Brady

Silvana and me all coveret in jelly

People playing cricket

Eva, Me and Brady

Kieran and Luke are taken Jesse to the jelly-pool

D. 30.: Det tordnede vanvittig meget i nat. Hele mit værelse rystede, det lød som om mine vinduer ville smadre og mit lys blinkede selvom jeg havde slukket for alt. Et lyn slog ned i en el boks lige ved siden af college.
Silvana og jeg flyttede værelse, så nu bor vi i K11 og 12 og deler badeværelse.
(The 30th: There was a very mad thunder last night. My whole room shook, it sounded as if my windows would shatter and my lights flashed even though i had turned off everything. A lightning bolt struck an electrical box right beside the college.
Silvana and i changed our rooms, so now we live in K11 and 12 and share a bathroom.)

Det var så august måned...
(And that was August...)


Den 3/9 tog Alex, Damien, Tim, Leslie, Eva, Silvana og jeg til Queen Mary Falls uden for Warwick.
(The 3rd, Alex, Damien, Tim, Leslie, Eva, Silvana and I went to Queen Mary Fall outside Warwick.)

Alex, Leslie, Me, Silvana, Tim, Damo and Eva

Om aftenen var der Formal på college og selvfølgelig afterparty på USQ Club.
Der kom en fyr og tog billeder af os, som vi så kunne købe af ham. Det er derfor der står "sample" på dem.
(In the evening we had Formal at college and of course afterparty at USQ Club.
There came a guy and took pictures of us that we could buy from him, that's why there are "sample" on them)

The whole college

The group

The girls

Silvana, Me and Emily

Spencer, Me, Benny and Silvana

Me, Shannon and Silvana

Brady, Me and Luke

Silvana, Me and Emily - and Damian

Den 6/9 tog jeg til Brisbane sammen med Eva og Kieran, for at stemme til det danske valg.
(The 6th i went to Brisbane to vote for the Danish election)

Den 7/9 var der Residential Shield Dinner på Concannon. Det var en middag hvor de offentliggjorde hvilket college der havde vundet sportskampene. Bagefter var der Team Colors Party på USQ Club.
(The 7th there were Residential Shield Dinner at Concannon. It was a dinner where the announced which college had won the sports matches. Afterwards there was Team Color Party at USQ Club.)

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